Zero Chance Short Film Festival

The game was created to put out the fires a dragon breath by using Eno. While the log-in details gathered 1st party information of the people who interacted, the gamers got the opportunity to win exciting gifts at the watch party, by heading the leaderboard.


Sri Lankans despite anything like to eat, drink, party and be merry. So when highly anticipated events happen, they like to enjoy it. But also, there is one thing that comes in between these joyous events because of Sri Lankan lifestyle, Acidity!

Because Sri Lankans like to eat spicy and oily food and some skip meals, almost an average of 50% Sri Lankans are victims of acidity. How can Eno interact with these people who will potentially face acidty, and be their reliable first responder?


Game Of Dragons

Since dragons breath fire, we created an ad campaign about how even the fires that burn in the pit of the dragon’s body can be contained with Eno.

Our communications directed our TG to log into a game and play to win entrance, goodies, and gifts at the watch party.

The game was created to put out the fires a dragon breath by using Eno. While the log-in details gathered 1st party information of the people who interacted, the gamers got the opportunity to win exciting gifts at the watch party, by heading the leaderboard.