Kids Who Explore More Learn More


In Sri Lanka, the Year 5 scholarship exams are very significant to parents. Leading up to the exams, kids are pressurized to study hard, sit at their desks and hit the books. Most children rarely gravitate towards studies; they like to play, explore and run outdoors. And most parents feel that anything that doesn’t directly result in better grades, is a waste of time. This conflict led to our insight that purposeful play is rarely a waste of time, and may in fact be the best teacher a child can have. So, we wanted to change perceptions in a parent’s mind.


Kids who explore more learn more

Anchor conducted a social experiment around a Mother who is nervous because her child prefers spending time outdoors and mom assumes that this kind of exploring is a waste of time and won’t help get great grades. But she is pleasantly surprised when her daughter’s project wins the first prize. The teacher explains that whilst exploring, the child was inspired by the weaver bird nest construction and with that insight, she created nest-like cooling homes which brought in proper ventilation, light and cooling to build community homes in the future.



YEAR: 2017/04/28
CLIENT: Anchor Newdale

01. Shortlisted | Effie Marketing Awards Integrated Campaign 2018